Libération de Chelsea Manning

et libération de Jeremy Hammond ?
Dissolution du grand Jury...

Libérons Julian Assange, Stan Maillaud, Edgard Snowden, Rui Pinto etc... !...

Eva Joly



Je me réjouis de la libération de Chelsea Manning - qui intervient bien tard, comme le montre sa tentative de suicide. Ce sont maintenant tous les autres lanceurs d’alerte emprisonnés qu’il faut libérer; notamment Julian Assange et Rui Pinto !


· 10h
BREAKING: A federal judge has ordered the release of Chelsea Manning: "the court finds Ms. Manning's appearance before the Grand Jury is no longer needed, in light of which her detention no longer serves any coercive purpose."

The WikiLeaks  Grand Jury running 10+ years has been disbanded. Chelsea Manning and Jeremy Hammond have been released from its coercive machinations. Now drop all charges against #julianassange and release him.
