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Jakub, response from the polish Consul !

---------- Message d'origine ---------- De : Janas Jakub <>
À :  "" <>
Date : 13 septembre 2018 à 13:32
Sujet : RE: Jakub Fabian Skrzypski polnisch denaited without charge at the police in Indonesia

Dear Sonja Mletzkowsky,
Thank you for your email. I would like to inform you that all information about detained J.F.S. we already passed to his family.
If you have more information please contact with them. We do not provide information people outside from his family.
Best regards

Jakub Janas
Konsul RP w Dżakarcie
Ambasada RP w Dżakarcie
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. 
X Blok IV/3, 12950 Jakarta, Indonesia
Tel: +62 21 25 25 938-40, Fax: +62 21 25 25 958


Niniejsza wiadomość (wraz z załącznikami) jest własnością Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych i może zawierać informacje służbowe prawnie chronione. Jeśli nie są Państwo właściwym adresatem lub otrzymali Państwo tę wiadomość na skutek pomyłki, prosimy o tym fakcie niezwłocznie poinformować nadawcę i usunąć otrzymaną wiadomość. Każde nieautoryzowane kopiowanie, ujawnianie lub rozpowszechnianie załączonej informacji jest zabronione. 

Jakub or Jakob Skrzypski
is in the middle, with the beard.

Jakub is in jail in Papoua / Indonesia! 


Please, free him, thank you... Salamat...

The lawyer is Mrs. Latifah Anum Siregar, +628524406000000, . 
She is very experienced in cases like this, which is why the police are so afraid of her. 
The Consul - Jakub Janas, +6281510900180,
Best Regards

Jakub Janas
Konsul RP w Dżakarcie
Ambasada RP w Dżakarcie

Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X Blok IV/3, 12950 Jakarta, Indonesia

Tel: +62 21 25 25 938-40, Fax: +62 21 25 25 958

The head of the local police force - KAPOLDA Martuani Siregar. The investigators who have made so many problems and intimidations - Lintong Simanjuntak and Niko Situmorang
He is detained in

 Direktorat RESKRIMUM TAHTI POLDA Papua, Jl.Sam Ratulangi 8, 99112 Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia.


Ask the chief of police to release him, otherwise Indonesia will have a poor image, because they don't have real evidence against him, it's the political issue, to keep their image etc.

If ever, the chief of the country's police force is KAPOLRI Tito Karnafian

The problem is that the police did everything to prevent the consul and his lawyer, chosen by his family to help him when the investigation was ongoing. 

Please,  mention the conditions in the judgment, a trick for all human rights be contacted...
Again, thank you for what you can do now and asap.

Indonesian police says Jakub was part of a treasonous plot against the state involving armed Papuan separatists.

Some of his friends to contact

From Sonja Mletzkowsky

Hi Stephen,
I thank you so much to give us information about Jakub. Yes we took contact with the Polish Embassy in Switzerland and in Jakarta and the Indonesian Embassy in Switzerland. The Polish Embassy in Jakarta answered us that they give only information to his family, who’s informed about Jakub’s detention in Indonesia in the meantime.
I know Jakub less than one year. I had the opportunity to meet him during the meetings for the initiative of the sovereign money here in Switzerland in the city of Lausanne. I took the advantage during this period to speak about the NGO WBBC Wind of Bethlehem Breath of Charity, I wanted to create and register with a couple of people in Bulgaria. Its Headquarter is here in Switzerland. Jakub travelled with me to Bulgaria to become a member of the association registered in Bulgaria.
Yes Jakub is a person who loves to travel and to act for good causes. But as I know him he’s an active pacific supporter… I can’t imagine that Jakub would have used guns. If they are some photos from Jakub with guns, I don’t know the context about.
Could you have a possibility to take contact with Jakub’s family? We don’t have the contacts from his family? Maybe the family could give more information about the photos and the context?
Romuald Djomo has experience with the Embassy’s and has a badge at the United Nations Organization for human rights. He’s a volunteer of the NGO VBBC here in Switzerland.
What do you think about the idea to involve the Poland’s foreign minister Jacek Czaputowicz?!
Best Regards

Sonja Mletzkowsky
